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Mail Room Policies

The Äñ´ó´óÓ°Ôº (RU) Mail Room is for business related mail only. The University does not assume responsibility or liability for personal items sent or received by the Mail Room (except personal mail sent to the President’s House and/or to residents of GSR and SF). RU business-related correspondence should not contain any cash or any material that is in conflict with the University Code of Conduct or other University policies.

The Mail Room and the University are bound by US Postal Service (USPS) regulations regarding handling of incoming and outgoing USPS mail, but the Mail Room is not affiliated with the USPS nor does it provide the same services.

The Mail Room does:

  • Provide supporting documentation forms for select USPS services.
  • Assist end user in package preparation.
  • Determine weight and shape dimension of mail and calculate postage.
  • Track USPS correspondence.
  • Sort and route incoming mail to correct mailbox address.
  • Process air mail and international mail.
  • Assign metered postage for all outgoing RU mail (envelopes and parcels).
  • Transport a limited volume of RU business-related mail directly to the Lenox Hill US Postal Office daily.

The Mail Room does NOT:

  • Sell postage (stamped or metered) for any kind for personal use.
  • Provide packaging materials.
  • Accept or handle personal packages, even with postage already attached, for outgoing shipment.

Additional customs declaration documentation may be required for items being sent to other countries and to certain postal destinations such as Military Installations or APO addresses. End users may consult the USPS () for additional information.

RU accounts and discount structure with FedEx, DHL, UPS or any other contracted commercial carrier or messenger service may not be used for personal packages.

Mail Procedures:

  • Outgoing University mail to be sent by USPS must be completely and accurately addressed and must be marked with a valid PTAEO to cover the postage cost.
  • The official and legal mailing address is:THE ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY
    1230 YORK AVENUE
    NEW YORK, NY 10065.Use this address for all business-related outgoing correspondence. DO NOT use other campus building address numbers.
  • To ensure timely service for bulk mailings (either interdepartmental and/or USPS), please contact the Mail Room staff in advance of bringing the materials to the Mail Room.
  • Interdepartmental mail should be addressed with the recipient’s name, Department or Laboratory and box number.
  • Heads of Laboratory and Department are provided with the mailbox lock combination or key by the Mail Room Supervisor.
  • The RU Mail Room assumes no responsibility for any mail left on the counter or on the floor of the lobby.
  • Only Authorized Mail Room staff and couriers with a valid company photo ID may enter the RU Mail Room. Please do not enter the Mail Room. If you require assistance, please ring the service bell and announce yourself at the service door so that a Mail Room staff member may assist you.

Individuals are encouraged to use official USPS mailboxes and post offices for sending personal mail. Personal stamped mail may be dropped off at the Mail Room, using the slot marked for such in the Mail Room Lobby.

Incoming Mail:

The Mail Room staff sort and distribute incoming USPS and interoffice mail. The Mail Room alerts Departments/Laboratories by phone and/or email when time-sensitive correspondence and packages are received (e.g., US Priority/Express, FedEx, DHL, UPS, and hand delivered messenger service). Upon special arrangement, additional written notice may be provided and placed in the mailbox.

Personnel who have been authorized by the Head of Laboratory or Head of Department may retrieve mail from the RU Mail Room. Individual(s) may be required to present a valid RU identification card before Mail Room staff may release items to them. Recipients may be required to sign for items.

Delivery of Mail:

Based on timing of USPS/courier delivery schedules and Mail Room staffing availability, the Mail Room staff delivers mail to and retrieves outgoing mail from Administrative Departments.

Mail Room staff is authorized to request and verify the recipient’s identification for release of mail. Recipients may be required to sign for items.

Assistance with Private Courier Service:

Federal Express

The Mail Room staff accept properly prepared packages of University business-related materials for shipment by Federal Express (FedEx) only. Mail Room staff provides limited assistance related to FedEx shipments. Requests for technical assistance related to FedEx shipments should be directed to .

Departments and Laboratories are encouraged to obtain preprinted FedEx air bills and to track the status of their packages from FedEx directly (Tel#: 800-GOFEDEX or ). End users should retain the sender copy of the air bill for their records.

During Mail Room business hours, outgoing FedEx packages brought to the Mail Room are reviewed by the Mail Room staff, ensuring that the FedEx air bill has been properly completed and includes the complete shipper and sender address and contact information and a valid RU Account (PTAEO). International FedEx packages that are valued over $2,000 may require additional insurance, customs declaration and commercial invoices.

Mail Room staff transport FedEx packages to the Founder’s Hall Security Desk for retrieval by FedEx. The last daily (Monday-Friday) pick up of FedEx from the Founder’s Hall Security Desk is approximately 7:00 pm. The final daily pick up of FedEx Dry Ice-containing packages from the Founder’s Hall Lobby is at 6:00 pm. There is no Sunday FedEx service and very limited service on Saturday. FedEx packages may be brought directly to the Security Desk during hours when the Mail Room is not open. In such cases, it is the end user’s responsibility to ensure that the air bill is appropriately completed.

Messenger Service

Specialized and expedited courier service within New York City and tri-state area is available through Secured Messenger Services (SMS) for University business related parcel delivery. Users must complete appropriate request forms at the Mail Room. Mail Room staff can assist in filling out the forms, tracking status of delivery, and resolving issues with SMS. This arrangement with SMS is not exclusive. End users may use different third party couriers but are then responsible for all communications and arrangements with the courier. The end user may elect to have the courier of their choice retrieve the package from the Mail Room.

Any package that is to be shipped via third party courier must be delivered to the Mail Room by 2:30 pm to ensure same day delivery. Please make sure the package is given directly to a Mail Room staff member who is uniformed and wears a valid RU ID card. Do not leave the package outside of the Mail Room or in the Mail Room Lobby. The Mail Room assumes no responsibility for packages that are not given directly to a Mail Room staff member.

End users may also contact SMS directly to arrange a pick up (212-293-1912, RU account number ROC5591). After business hours, the package may be brought to the Founder’s Hall Security Desk.

Sending Hazardous Materials:

Hazardous materials may NOT be sent by US mail. For more specific information regarding the shipment of hazardous materials, contact Laboratory Safety & Environmental Health and/or review the policies on shipment of hazardous materials.

FedEx and other commercial carriers have very clear guidelines for the shipment of hazardous materials. Please contact the respective customer service departments of the commercial carriers for additional information on shipping hazardous materials. In certain cases, additional permits and/or documentation and/or training on DOT and IATA regulations may be required.


Returns or repairs related to items obtained under a University Purchase Order must be coordinated through Purchasing (Email: purchasing@rockefeller.edu). Do not bring these to the Mail Room.

Postage Stamps:

Stamps for personal use may by purchased on-line from or from the Lenox Hill Post Office. Booklets of first class stamps may be purchased from the Finance Cashier Office, located on the third floor of Founder’s Hall (10:00 am – 1:00 pm, Monday-Friday). The Mail Room does not sell stamps.

Mail Room Information:

Hours of Operation:
9:00 am – 5:00 pm Monday-Friday
8:00 – 11:00 am Saturday
8:00 – 11:00 am Limited RU Holidays, e.g., the Friday following Thanksgiving, the weekdays between Christmas and New Years Day.

The RU mailboxes are available 24 hours a day.

Location: Founder’s Hall, A Level
Tel#: 212-327-8296
Email: mailroom@rockefeller.edu

Mail Room staff:

Ruben Herrador, Supervisor, Ext. 8296, Email: mailroom@rockefeller.edu
Ira Woods, Assistant Supervisor, Ext. 8296
George Smith, Mail Room Clerk, Ext. 8296
Simeon Knight, Mail Room Clerk, Ext. 8296